sharing my notes.

I plan on sharing my notes with you here once a week.  I think it is so important for us to get in the Word; to find the promise that keeps us moving forward, to find the truths that root our feet, and to remember that we serve (and are served by) a Father who is for us.  

Within the body of SOMA,  we look at Bible passages with four key questions-

Who Is God?

What Has He Done?

Who Am I?

What Is My Response?

I have found this to be such a fruitful way for me to journal and seek out the truths that are held for me within the Word.  Therefore, this is how I intend to share my notes with you here.

Right now, I am spending a concentrated amount of time in Hebrews in preparation of a new series I have entitled, Family Redeemer.  I thought it might be nice to have you join me in my study.

Hebrews 1:10-14 NLT

He also says to the Son,“In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundation of the earth  and made the heavens with your hands. They will perish, but you remain forever.They will wear out like old clothing. You will fold them up like a cloak  and discard them like old clothing. But you are always the same;you will live forever.” And God never said to any of the angels,“Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies,making them a footstool under your feet.” Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.

Who is God?

Our foundation, maker of heaven and eternal, changeless

What has He done?

Created the world, given us firm foundation, provided us with stability and a hope

Who am I?


What is My Response?

To place Christ above all else, trust in who He is and what Has done, serve Him until the very end

Jesus is even above the angels.  I loved the emphasis of His placement and value and worth in these verses.  Only He can redeem, only He can make and create. These verses also gave me reference of my hope; so often we get caught up in the happenings and circumstances of our day to day, our hearts are fleeting and fickle as they move from one to the next.  But God our Father provided us with a foundation to stand on, in and of His very character that is not only eternal but changeless.  Christ was our change for the better, more than a servant, more than an angel; a Savior that is sovereign and sacrificial.  In Him we will find our past, present and our future, as all of the circumstances and happenings will be folded into the end of this world when He returns yet again.  The current state of heaven and this earth will change but He will remain the same.